- New Webmaster page. I completely re-did it because I didn't like the direction I was going with the previous re-design attempt.
- It's not mobile friendly (yet).
- There's a lot of slight differences across various pages- so many that I can't list them out.
- The language toggle feature is done in terms of code and I have done some slight work for it (mostly on the index page).
- haven't been able to translate everything yet due to physical health issues and being busy IRL.
- The button for the language toggle is not mobile friendly at the moment and I haven't really found a good fix for it at the moment.
I decided to push this update out knowing that the language feature is unfinished, just because there's a whole lot of other quality of life changes and just better stuff I really wanted to get out (I haven't found out a way to exclude certain files via the neocities CLI, it gives me an error for some reason; probably something very obvious I'm missing), but I think it might be good to have it publicly unfinished for testing reasons, maybe.
Also I am not a professional websiter and I probably have too many expectations set up for myself... haha
- Starting to work on mobile compatiability, though it's in the very early stages. Expect some bugs.
- This site will always be designed with a PC format initially in mind.
- I'm thinking about re-vamping the 'about me' section of this site again.
- Minor changes + some secret pages.
- NEOverse wiki is... kind of here? There's a lot of things about Tiddlywiki that I don't really know about, so it's very poorly constructed.
- Once again, very minor adjustments to various pages.
Also finding any sort of resource for this thing is ridiculously difficult, so I can't make anything fancy shmancy yet. I wish I could!! but I CAN'T.
- Updated the sona page.
- Minor adjustments here and there
- The miscellaneous page is now here, alongside the start of two other pages that are in that catagory: a page that showcases old versions of this website, and a page for F2U graphics I made that people can use on their own sites. Both of these pages are a heavy work in progress and are very barebones at the moment.
- Updated the art page... slightly. Due to the fact I barely know JS (the current art page is written entirely with css) the idea I had for the new gallery system might take a while to actually make. (I know some things but I'm not the greatest with it).
This update has been done for quite some time now, actually, but I went on a breif break for mental health reasons:
- The blog menu now has a search, tagging, and filtering feature.
- Added a link to the Neoverse Wiki, but it just takes you to a temporary page for now (as the wiki is not done enough for the public)
- Minor changes.
- Finally made the 404 page.
- Added a site 'to-do' section on the homepage.
- The blog is now semi-implimented.
- The "next" link doesn't go anywhere (for now), it just takes you to the home menu.
- The entry itself is being rewritten. I was rereading it today and I think I can do a better job. For now, the entry is serving as a placeholder for testing and a sneak peak at what is to come!
- Slight visual adjustments on various pages.